Біологія та Екологія

A nuclear reactor accident is damage to a nuclear reactor, resulting in uncontrolled contamination of air, soil, and water with radioactive isotopes.
Adsorption is the absorption of any substance from a gaseous medium or solution by the surface layer of a liquid or solid body, which occurs under the influence of molecular forces on the surface of substances.
Allergy is a form of immunological response that manifests itself in increased sensitivity of the body to various antigens (allergens).
Albedo of the Earth is the ratio of solar radiation that is reflected by the Earth (with its atmosphere) into global space, to the solar radiation that has reached the boundary of the atmosphere.
Antigens are substances that the body perceives as foreign and cause a specific immune response
An antioxidant is a compound that reduces the activity of oxidative processes in the cell
Anthropogenic load is a measure of the direct and indirect impact of human activity on nature as a whole or on its individual components.
Anthropogenic load is a measure of the direct and indirect impact of human activity on nature as a whole or on its individual components.
Anthropogenic landscape - a landscape changed and transformed by human activity, with agrocenoses, residential, technical and transport facilities.
Anthropogenic landscape - a landscape changed and transformed by human activity, with agrocenoses, residential, technical and transport facilities.
Apobiosphere - high layers of the atmosphere (60-80 km above the Earth), where living organisms never rise, even by accident, and biogenic substances are carried only in very small quantities
The artebiosphere is the space of human expansion in near-Earth space. A. incl. artificial satellites of the Earth, manned and automatic aircraft.
Architectural ecology is the ecology of the internal environment of dwellings.
Baubiology – the influence of the architectural environment on human health and the application of ecological knowledge in the construction of new houses and the creation of new workplaces.
Baubiology is the science of the influence of the architectural environment on human health and the application of ecological knowledge in the construction of new houses and the creation of new workplaces.
Bioaccumulation – accumulation of substances (man-made pollutants) in organisms of increasing trophic levels
Bioaccumulation – accumulation of substances (man-made pollutants) in organisms of increasing trophic levels
A biogenic substance is a substance produced by living organisms
Biogenic elements are chemical elements that are necessary for the synthesis of organic compounds by autotrophic organisms.
The biogeochemical cycle is the circulation of chemical elements from inorganic compounds through plant and animal organisms (organic substances) back to the initial state
Bioindicators are highly sensitive living organisms that have good adaptation and a variety of physiological properties, reflect any changes in the natural background and act as an "early warning system".
Biocybernetics is a branch of cybernetics that studies methods of information transfer and processing and management both in individual organisms and in large ecological systems.
Biological rhythms are cyclic fluctuations of biological processes and phenomena
A biome is a collection of plant and animal species that make up the living population of a certain area. The term biota (see) is close to it, which is applied to larger areas of the Earth's surface.
Biomass is the totality of organisms in a population or in a biogeocenosis at the moment of observation. It is characterized by weight units. A distinction is made between phytomass and zoomass.
Biodiversity - 1) variability of living organisms at all levels of organization: genetic, species and higher taxonomic, including the diversity of habitats and ecosystems (landscapes); 2) a large number of species of living organisms.
Biota is a historically composed set of plants and animals united by a common area of distribution.
Biotic potential is the inherent population ability to increase in number with a stable age composition and optimal environmental conditions
Ecological well-being is the normal reproduction of the main links of the ecological system
Ecological well-being is the normal reproduction of the main links of the ecological system
Ecological education is the basis and integral part of ecological culture, a process of continuous, systematic and purposeful raising of the level of conscious and careful attitude to the environment, organized by influencing people's feelings, their consciousness, views and ideas.
Hemoblastosis is the general name for malignant processes of the hematopoietic system
Geoecology is a branch of ecology that studies ecosystems (geosystems) of high hierarchical levels up to and including the biosphere
Global ecology is a section of ecology that studies the biosphere as a whole, that is, the ecological system that covers the entire globe. Develops forecasts of possible changes in the biosphere under the influence of human activity under various options of economic development.
Glaciology is the science of glaciers.
Dumping is the burial of waste in the ocean and its seas.
Degradation of the environment - deterioration or destruction of the surrounding natural or anthropogenic environment, which entails the degradation of its living (biotic) components
Degradation of the environment - deterioration or destruction of the surrounding natural or anthropogenic environment, which entails the degradation of its living (biotic) components
Deactivation - neutralization of radioactive or chemical contamination of the surface of the soil or objects
Demographic explosion - a dynamic increase in the number of people inhabiting the territory of a given state or attributed to the entire globe
Demographic explosion - a dynamic increase in the number of people inhabiting the territory of a given state or attributed to the entire globe
A defoliant is a substance used to destroy plant leaves
A defoliant is a substance used to destroy plant leaves
Diffusion in the atmosphere is mass exchange in the atmosphere. Two. allows predicting the limits of the spread of pollutants in the atmosphere.
The maximum permissible dose is the maximum amount of a harmful agent, the penetration of which does not yet cause harm to the body
A toxic dose is the minimum amount of a harmful agent that causes noticeable poisoning of the body
Eurybionts are organisms that can tolerate significant changes in environmental conditions.
Eikumena (oikumena) is a part of the earth's surface inhabited and used by people
Ecologization of educational disciplines is the introduction into the practice of teaching various disciplines of elements of an ecological approach, which focuses primarily on the research and reflection of the relationships and interaction of organisms and, in particular, man with the environment using the methods of a specific discipline.
Environmental safety – the state of the natural environment, in which prevention of the deterioration of the ecological situation and the occurrence of danger to people is ensured
Environmental safety – the state of the natural environment, in which prevention of the deterioration of the ecological situation and the occurrence of danger to people is ensured
Environmental expertise – evaluation of the environmental efficiency of options for planning and project solutions and their compliance with existing environmental norms and rules
Environmental expertise – evaluation of the environmental efficiency of options for planning and project solutions and their compliance with existing environmental norms and rules
An ecological disaster is a complete disturbance of the ecological balance in natural living systems that occurs as a result of direct or indirect human activity
An ecological disaster is a complete disturbance of the ecological balance in natural living systems that occurs as a result of direct or indirect human activity
Ecological crisis - a situation that arises in ecological systems (biogeocenoses) as a result of a disturbance in the balance under the influence of natural phenomena or the influence of anthropogenic factors
Ecological crisis - a situation that arises in ecological systems (biogeocenoses) as a result of a disturbance in the balance under the influence of natural phenomena or the influence of anthropogenic factors
The ecological culture of society is an independent part of universal human culture, a system of national and universal human values, which expresses and defines the nature of the relationship between society, man and nature in the process of creating and mastering material and spiritual values, the extent and method of human involvement in activities to sustainably support the natural environment for the purpose of progressive development of society, the degree of responsibility of man to society and society to man for the state of nature and rational use of natural resources. Development of E.k.s. implemented through the system of environmental education, upbringing and information.
Environmental oncology is a branch of oncology that studies the influence of environmental factors on the occurrence and development of tumors
Environmental policy is a comprehensive approach that determines the way and means of society's influence on nature.
Environmental cleanliness of products is the degree of compliance of consumer properties of manufactured products with environmental safety requirements
Environmental cleanliness of products is the degree of compliance of consumer properties of manufactured products with environmental safety requirements
Ecological movement is a public activity aimed at improving the environment. E.r. arose as a reaction to the deepening of crisis processes in the biosphere (pollution, disturbance of the ecological balance, reduction of the ability of self-recovery of natural systems, etc.) and is aimed at protecting and preserving the natural foundations of the life support of society, including increasing the effectiveness of state environmental protection agencies.
Environmental restrictions are normative acts of the development and placement of production forces, within the framework of which their functioning should be carried out on the territories and ecosystems of the country.
Environmental regulations are quantitative restrictions on people's activities to comply with current environmental standards.
Environmental regulations are quantitative restrictions on people's activities to comply with current environmental regulations.
The economics of nature use is a branch of economics that studies the issue of environmental assessment of natural resources and the same assessment of damages from environmental pollution
Eco-development is ecologically oriented socio-economic development, in which the increase in the well-being of people is not accompanied by the deterioration of the habitat and the degradation of natural systems
Ecotechnics – technical measures to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.
Embryotoxic - capable of causing damage to the embryo
Environmental science is the science of general rationalization of natural resources
Environmental ethics is the doctrine of what should be done in relation to man, his economic activity and nature. Based on internal self-evident moral principles.
Morbidity is the prevalence of diseases among the population and its individual groups
Zone of ecological disaster - the territory where as a result of man-made or natural disaster there is a threat of ecological damage to people due to the degradation of the natural habitat
Zone of ecological disaster - the territory where as a result of man-made or natural disaster there is a threat of ecological damage to people due to the degradation of the natural habitat
Immunity is the body's ability to protect its own integrity and biological individuality. One of I.'s findings is immunity to infectious diseases
Immunology is a science that studies the protective properties of the body
Environmental information (environmental propaganda) – dissemination of comprehensive and reliable environmental information, ideas of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources with the aim of forming environmental awareness among people (increasing the level of environmental culture).
Carcinogenesis is the process of emergence and development of a malignant neoplasm
Carcinogenic - capable of causing malignant tumors
Carcinoma is a malignant tumor originating from epithelial tissue
Constellation is the combined action of several environmental factors
The maximum permissible concentration is the amount of harmful substances in the environment that practically does not affect human health and does not cause adverse consequences in its offspring
Xenobiotic - any foreign substance for a living organism that can cause disruption of biotic processes or its death
Xenobiotic - any foreign substance for a living organism that can cause disruption of biotic processes or its death
Landscape ecology is a branch of ecology that studies the natural (existing or potentially possible) components of the landscape
A lethal factor is a factor that causes death
The lymphatic system is a collection of vessels that collect lymph from tissues and organs and drain it into the venous system
Macroecology is a scientific discipline in which, on the basis of a systematic approach, the largest generalizations of "luxury ecology" are combined with human ecology, environmental science, and problems of the relationship between man and nature
Metabolites are products of metabolism in a living organism
Metabolites are products of metabolism in a living organism
Ecological thinking is a dialectical and materialistic consideration of phenomena taking into account the forms of human influence on nature and the reverse influence of nature on people and their economy
Environmental modeling – simulation of environmental phenomena using laboratory, logical and experimental models to estimate their parameters.
Monitoring is a system of monitoring and controlling the state of the environment, consisting of observation, assessment of the state and forecast of possible changes. M. Monitors anthropogenic changes and little-changed nature (for comparison). Three levels are distinguished in the monitoring system: sanitary-toxic, ecological and biosphere.
Monitoring is a system of monitoring and controlling the state of the environment, consisting of observation, assessment of the state and forecast of possible changes. M. Monitors anthropogenic changes and little-changed nature (for comparison). Three levels are distinguished in the monitoring system: sanitary-toxic, ecological and biosphere.
Environmental monitoring - monitoring the state of the environment and warning about emerging crisis environmental situations that are harmful or dangerous for people and other living organisms
Mutagenesis is the process of mutations; distinguish between induced, i.e. caused by the action of an external factor, and spontaneous (self-willed)
Mutation – damage to the gene(s) transmitted to the descendants of the cells in which they originated
The environment (environment) – 1) the current set of physical, chemical, biological characteristics, as well as social factors capable of causing a direct or distant impact on living beings and human activity; 2) the totality of all conditions in which living organisms exist.
The environment (environment) – 1) the current set of physical, chemical, biological characteristics, as well as social factors capable of causing a direct or distant impact on living beings and human activity; 2) the totality of all conditions in which living organisms exist.
Noogenics (geotechnics) is a natural and technical discipline that develops principles and methods of rational intervention in natural processes with the aim of creating optimal relationships between society and nature
The noosphere is the sphere of the mind. The modern concept was introduced by V.I. Vernadskyi (1931) to indicate the state of evolution of the biosphere, which is characterized by the leading role of the intelligent consciousness of human society in its development. In the era of N., human activity does not contradict the development of nature.
Environmental education - 1) a purposeful, continuous and complex process of training and education of citizens with the aim of forming an ecological culture in them, interaction in the "man-society-nature" system; the process aimed at the formation of value orientations and norms of behavior (socially valuable experience) in the field of cultural nature use and environmental protection; the process and result of assimilation of systematic knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of impact on the environment, the state of the environment and the consequences of environmental changes. The term was introduced at a conference organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 1970; 2) spiritual and moral improvement of people through the dissemination and correct use of ecological knowledge.
Environmental education is continuous - the implementation of environmental education throughout a person's life, because it is able to ensure the overcoming of the ecological crisis and ensure the co-evolution of the biosphere and humanity.
Nature protection is a system of state, public, administrative-economic, technical-production, economic and legal measures aimed at maintaining favorable conditions for life, rational use, preservation and reproduction of the natural resources of the Earth and the near-Earth space in the interests of meeting the material and spiritual needs of existing and future generations of people.
Panbiosphere - layers of the atmosphere, the entire hydrosphere, part of the lithosphere, where living organisms are permanently or temporarily present
Pathogenicity is the ability of microorganisms to cause disease in other organisms
Pathology is a branch of medicine that studies pathological formations and processes in the human body
Pletobiosphere is one of the terms used to define the most active horizon of the biosphere, the "film of life"
A pollutant is a substance that pollutes the environment
A pollutant is a substance that pollutes the environment
The principle of balanced nature use - the placement and development of material production in a certain territory should be carried out in accordance with its ecological stability in relation to man-made influences
The natural environment is the entire set of elements of living (biotic factors) and non-living (abiotic factors) nature
Nature utilization is a sphere of social and industrial activity directed to meet the needs of humanity through the use of natural resources
Environmental education is the spiritual and moral improvement of people through the dissemination and correct use of environmental knowledge.
A tumor is a pathological overgrowth of tissues that are composed of qualitatively transformed body cells that have lost differentiation
Radiobiology is a science that studies the effect of all types of ionizing radiation on living organisms, their groups, and the biosphere as a whole.
Radiobiology is a science that studies the effect of all types of ionizing radiation on living organisms, their groups, and the biosphere as a whole.
Radioecology is a branch of ecology that studies the relationship of living organisms and biological systems at various levels to the impact of ionizing radiation.
Zoning is a process of territory differentiation and integration of the Earth's geographical envelope or its sections, as well as natural and socio-ecological processes of interaction between society and nature.
Cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from epithelial tissue. The origin of the term is connected, apparently, with the fact that in this disease there is growth of the tumor into the surrounding tissues by bodies resembling cancer cells. Alveolar-cellular, granulating, glandular, and large-celled R. are distinguished.
Cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from epithelial tissue. The origin of the term is connected, apparently, with the fact that in this disease there is growth of the tumor into the surrounding tissues by bodies resembling cancer cells. Alveolar-cellular, granulating, glandular, and large-celled R. are distinguished.
The natural-anthropogenic mode is a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors that creates new ecological conditions for the existence of living organisms and their groups
Reserve is the general name of territories of all types that are protected.
Resistance is the body's resistance to the influence of various factors
Recreation - restoration of health and working capacity of people due to recreation in nature
Recreation - restoration of health and working capacity of people due to recreation in nature
Recycling is the possible complete return of used substances and materials in cyclic production processes for reuse
Recycling is the possible complete return of used substances and materials in cyclic production processes for reuse
Pollution level - degree of environmental pollution
Levels of biological organization are the main, interdependent types of biological systems that differ in the principles of organization (molecular, cellular, organismal, population-species, biocenotic-biosphere)
Sarcoma is a malignant tumor originating from connective tissue
The system of environmental education is a set of necessary and interacting organizational forms sufficient for the realization of the goals and objectives of continuous environmental education, which includes the infrastructure of environmental education, human resources, regulatory and legal regulation, scientific and methodological support, and an economic component.
Screening – assessment and control of potentially harmful effects that can be caused by industrial (especially energy) waste
Screening – assessment and control of potentially harmful effects that can be caused by industrial (especially energy) waste
Dictionary of some environmental terms
Sozology is the science of the causes and consequences of anthropogenic changes in the biosphere
Station – 1) place of existence of individuals, family or species of animals. Can coincide with the environment of biocenosis, phytocenosis; 2) place of existence of the population; 3) part of the biotope with certain narrow living conditions. For example, moist, wet, fresh or dry floodplain meadows
Stenobionts are organisms that tolerate minor fluctuations in environmental conditions
Sustainable development is the kind of development of society in which human living conditions are improved, and the impact on the environment remains within the economic capacity of the biosphere, so that nature, the basis of the functioning of humanity, is not destroyed.
The strategy of environmental education is a system of priority goals, ideas, and principles that forms the basis of state policy in the field of environmental education and determines the main directions of its implementation, environmentalization of lifestyles, and the formation of environmental culture of society.
Teratogenic - able to cause the development of distortions of organs or parts of the body in the embryo and, accordingly, in the newborn organism
Technogenic ecosystem – a functional system of living organisms and the environment that arose or significantly changed under the influence of technogenic factors
Technogenic changes – changes in ecosystems caused by means of industry, in one way or another connected with the development of industry: pollution of air, water and soil, production waste, formation of unusual soil surfaces, primary ecotopes (terricones, quarries, dumps of empty rocks, various embankments etc). They have the character of primary successions and depressive-demutational changes
Technosphere – 1) a part of the biosphere covered by the influence of technical means and structures; 2) the modern stage of the evolution of the biosphere, in which the scientific and technological progress of mankind plays a major role in its change
The technosphere is an artificially transformed space of the planet that is under the influence of the products of human activity
Toxicants are poisonous substances
Toxicants are poisonous substances
Toxicity - poisonousness
Toxicity - the degree of contamination of the water body with toxic substances
Toxicity - the degree of contamination of the water body with toxic substances
Tolerance is the body's ability to withstand deviations from optimal environmental factors
Anthropogenic transformation – changes under the influence of anthropogenic factors
Anthropogenic transformation – changes under the influence of anthropogenic factors
Urboecosystem is an unstable natural and anthropogenic system that has developed in an urbanized area from architectural and construction objects and drastically changed ecosystems
Phenology is the science of seasonal phenomena in nature, the timing of their occurrence and the reasons that determine these timings
Phytoremediation is a new method of cleaning the environment, which is associated with the planting of plants that are hyperaccumulators of heavy metals in polluted areas
Background atmospheric pollution is atmospheric pollution at a great distance from the source.
Background atmospheric pollution is atmospheric pollution at a great distance from the source
Cenopopulation is a collection of individuals of the same species within a group
The quality of the environment is a relative concept that reflects the subjective-objective impact of the environment on a person. The criterion of quality is human health.
The quality of the environment is a relative concept that reflects the subjective-objective impact of the environment on a person. The criterion of quality is human health